
January 2012 Minutes

This month we had a visit from Darlene with Peppermint Pasture Pygoras. Darlene was an excellent speaker, she told us about her passion for pygora goats. They are actually a mix of pygmy and angora goats bread for the fiber. The fiber needs to be mixed with wool to make a more versatile fiber for knitting. The pygora goats fiber is very hairy, full of guard hairs. It is a very labor intensive process to get all the hair out. She had lots of great yarns for us to purchase.

Darlene also had her hazelnuts for us — she gave us each a small bag of both chocolate covered and plain hazelnuts as a gift. I love hazelnuts so I bought a large bag of them as well as some great yarn too.

I have attached a roster for 2012. If your name is not on the roster it is because we have not received payment for 2012. Please contact me, Donna at (503)-930-4733 to let me know you are still planning to join this year.

I will also have the new membership cards to hand out at the meeting in February.

Next month we will learn about farowese shawls from Venita Garlow. Venita had been living in Eugene and teaching about these shawls at Soft Horizons. She has written a basic pattern that you can then use any lace stitch you want with your mix of yarns to create your own shawl. She will be bringing samples to show us. I have attached her pattern for you to look at before she comes.

In March we will have Stitch Jones come visit and tell us about her yarn dying. You have probably all seen her at one of the many yarn events she sells at. She will have yarn for us to purchase as well.

April we will have a fashion show from Twist Collective. Marnie MacLean will be bringing in all the projects that made up the April edition of this on-line magazine. She will tell us more about Twist Collective, how it got started and how you can get the patterns for the things she will be showing us. We will need some volunteer models to wear the items for the fashion show.

May and June we are still working on — one of the months will be short rows — learning to make a pinwheel potholder.

July will be a how to on Russian Graft, Kitchener stitch and a ribbing cast on.

August will be our annual picnic.

Could not send the summerflies shawl pattern because the file was too large to attach to email. You can find the SUMMERFLIES shawl pattern on Ravelry and it is a free download or you can just store it in your Ravelry library till you want to use it.